13.1 Miles More for Matthew | Bates Solicitors
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13.1 Miles More for Matthew


Bates Solicitors Sponsor The Matthew Elvidge Trust

13.1 Miles More for Matthew…

Bates Solicitors have committed to support The Matthew Elvidge Trust for a second year running.

Here is a reminder why we support this important and local charity….

199     Last year 199 athletes signed up to run the Fleet Half Marathon 16 March 2014 in memory  of Matthew Elvidge and in support of the Matthew Elvidge Trust.

23    years old, Matthew, having successfully completed a degree course and 1 day  before he was due to start work in London old took his life after a short  period of depression.

16 – 34 year old men were more likely to die from suicide than a road traffic accident  according to the Office of National Statistics  and in 2011 suicide was the  highest single cause of deaths in young men.    Predictions indicate that this  silent epidemic will worsen.

2014    Bates Solicitors support and sponsor The Matthew Elvidge Trust providing  running shirts and event funding for the Fleet Half Marathon.   As a well  established race, many top athletes regard this race as a warm up for the  London Marathon.

6045  suicides in 2011 alone, inevitably means that in one way or another many  people are touched by this tragedy.

2010The Matthew Elvidge Trust was set up with key objectives of raising  awareness of depression in young people, equipping and training others to  identify young people who may need support, to actively help young people  suffering from depression and reduce the stigma of depression.

The  Matthew Elvidge Trust website has full details of their work including at  Government level and in universities.   Join Bates Solicitors in supporting their  work.  Visit http://thematthewelvidgetrust.com/


Alex Hamilton, Lord Wandsworth College, first Matthew Elvidge Trust runner to cross the Finish Line in 2014.


Bo Nightingale March 2015


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