Camilla Lovell-Hoare | Bates Solicitors
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Camilla Lovell-Hoare

Camilla Lovell-Hoare Job Title: Director/Head of Litigation

Email Address: clovell-hoare@batessolicitors.co.uk

Departments: Family, Corporate and Litigation

Phone Number: 01252 84 44 43

Secretary’s Name:  Karen Dulic

Specialist Area: Family and Corporate Law

Career History & Expertise: Camilla has a varied background having studied Biochemistry at Imperial College, London and working as a Senior Regulatory Officer for an international pharmaceutical research company dealing with regulatory affairs and pharmacovigilance.  She subsequently undertook her law studies with the College of Law, and trained with a Top 100 Law firm, where she remained as an associate after qualification in 2010.

Camilla has experience in all aspects of private family law (contentious and non-contentious), including pre- and post-nuptial agreements, divorce and separation, and issues regarding financial and children  matters.

Her other areas of expertise include corporate law, intellectual property and litigation.

Hobbies & Interests: Camilla enjoys travelling and has studied Renaissance Art in Florence. She is a keen ballroom dancer and loves competing all over the country.