A widow has won the right to claim a share of her husband’s estate even though she was 26 years late in beginning legal proceedings
Property agents must join scheme to protect landlords and tenants
All private rented property agents must now sign up to a scheme protecting renters’ and landlords’ money. Under the new regulations that took effect on 1 April, all agents in the private rented sector are required to join a government-approved scheme to protect their clients’ money while it is in their possession – with fines of up to £30,000
Bisexual prison officer described as ‘vermin’ was unfairly dismissed
A bisexual prison officer who was taunted by colleagues as ‘gay’, ‘poof’ and ‘vermin’ was victimised and unfairly dismissed. That was the decision of the Employment Tribunal
Homeowners and tenants to get new housing complaints resolution service
The government is introducing a new Housing Complaints Resolution Service to cover the entire housing market. It means that dissatisfied homeowners and tenants will have simple and quick access to help when things go wrong
Camilla Lovell-Hoare Joins Bates Solicitors
We are delighted to announce that Camilla Lovell-Hoare joins Bates Solicitors. Camilla trained with a Top 100 Law firm and has experience in all aspects of private family law (contentious and non-contentious)
£1 billion fund created to help build thousands more homes
A new fund is being created to help speed up the delivery of thousands of new homes across England. Housing Secretary James Brokenshire says the government is entering into a partnership with Barclays Bank to provide £1 billion of loan finance to help support small and medium sized developers. Support, ranging between £5 million to £100 million
Lasting Powers of Attorney – Not Just For The Elderly – Q & A
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA?) A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document enabling you to nominate who you want to make decisions about your finances or health and welfare, in the event you are no longer able to do so. You appoint them as your Attorney.
Woman subjected to sexual advances at work awarded £24,000
An employer who told a woman that sexual advances from a Spanish colleague were just cultural differences has been ordered to pay her £24,000 compensation. The woman, who has not been
Landlords oppose 3-year minimum tenancy proposals
The National Landlord’s Association (NLA) has criticised government proposals to introduce 3-year minimum tenancies. Ministers say 3-year tenancy terms, with a 6-month break clause
Brothers in dispute over house left in their mother’s will
The High Court has settled a dispute between two brothers after one accused the other of using undue influence to persuade their mother to leave him her house in her will. The case involved an elderly woman who moved in with her son after her husband died. However, she later wanted to move back to her own home in Cornwall. The house needed significant repairs, so she decided to transfer …Read More