Café Courtyard in Hartley Wintney provided the perfect setting for Bates | Crellins Carter Solicitors annual Summer BBQ.
Cohabitant fails to benefit from properties she shared with partner
The need for cohabiting partners to draw up agreements stating how their property and assets should be shared in the event of a break-up was highlighted in a recent case before the Court of Appeal. It involved a couple who had been in a relationship for many years and had lived together since 2002.
800 years of Magna Carta
The 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carter was commemorated by a ceremony at the American Bar Association’s Magna Carta Memorial Runneymede attended by the Queen and members of the Royal family including Princess Anne who rededicated the memorial, saying Magna Carta “provides us with one of our most basic doctrines – that no person is above the law”.
Warring parents urged to put needs of their children first
The Court of Appeal has urged “warring” parents to put the needs of their children first when taking legal action over contact arrangements. It says many parents focus too much on their rights at the expense of their duties and responsibilities towards their children.
Woman on zero-hours contract wins sexual harassment claim
A woman on a zero-hours contract has won her claim of sexual harassment by her line manager despite initially being reluctant to bring a claim for fear of losing her job.
European Court rules against employees in Woolworths case
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled against the employees and the union involved in the Woolworths redundancy case. The case brought into focus the issue of when do employers need to negotiate with trade unions when making redundancies across multiple sites.
Time to Talk about Suicide
If we take time out of the equation and simply state that, since Matthew Elvidge took his own life, over 30,000 people have taken their own life perhaps the reality of this ‘silent epidemic’ may shock our society into realising that we really do need to start talking about this difficult subject and now!
Plans to improve enforcement of Family Financial Orders
The Law Commission is looking at ways to improve the enforcement of Family Financial Orders, which are used to help support children and former spouses following divorce.
Social Housing Tenants could be offered £30,000 to buy new home
Social housing tenants could be offered up to £30,000 to enable them to leave their rented accommodation and buy their own home.